There are twelve main energy channels (meridians) that symmetrically traverse the body and connect with the body’s organs, lymphatic system, circulatory system, nervous system, and musculoskeletal system. When in optimal health, qi flows smoothly along these meridians bringing oxygen, blood, and nourishment. It is when energy becomes deficient, excessive, or stagnant that the flow of qi becomes compromised, resulting in the expression of discomfort and disease.

There are over 360 acupuncture points dotted along the main meridians that have an effect on the mind, body, and spirit. Each acupoint has specific functions and is chosen to bring the person back into a balanced, harmonious state. Single-use, filiform needles are used to access these points. Some acupuncture treatments may use up to 30 needles, while others can simply use 1 or 2!

Acupuncture is Commonly Used For:

  • Pain: muscle sprain/strain/spasm/imbalance/injury, arthritis, sciatica, tendinitis, TMJ
  • Emotional Balance: relieve & manage stress, anxiety, depression
  • Women's Health: regulate menstrual cycle, PMS, fertility/infertility, fibroids, PCOS, menopausal symptoms + more
  • Pregnancy Related Issues: morning sickness, fatigue, reflux + more
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Gastrointestinal/Digestive Issues: constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, acid reflux, IBS, bloating, abdominal pain + more
  • Headache, Migraine
  • Respiratory Issues: allergies, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, colds, boosts immunity
  • Fatigue, Low energy
  • Benefits side effects of chemotherapy: nausea, fatigue, low appetite + more

What to Expect:

Everyone responds differently to treatment. Upon insertion, you may feel a heaviness or achiness around the needle, or possibly nothing at all. Needles are typically left in for 20-30 minutes to allow the qi to complete a full circuit throughout the body. At this time all you are requested to do is breathe and relax. The duration and severity of the ailment can determine the course of treatment. Acute conditions may take 4-6 treatments to initiate change, while chronic health issues may take 10-20 treatments.